Pastoral Notes for Sunday, February 27, 2022

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Midweek at Cornerstone is back in action this Wednesday! To help us get ready for it, I’ve asked Meredith Suits and Ben Griffith to tell us about the opportunities for children and youth on Wednesday nights.

Children’s Ministry on Wednesdays

We’re starting some exciting new programs for our preschool and elementary-aged children! Our preschool through 3rd graders will be doing Kids' Quest Catechism Clubs. In these programs, the children will practice 13 questions and answers from the First Catechism,which will help our covenant kids learn several important theological truths. We are grateful to have Casey Taggart, Joanie Pittman, Ronda Laventure, and Jolee Kretsinger join the children’s ministry volunteer team to help lead these classes.

Our 4th-6th graders will continue learning the books of the Bible and practice finding, reading, and discussing passages of Scripture in the Bible Skills and Drills class. This class will be led by Meredith Suits and Danielle Raymond.

Finally, all of our children will have choir each week with Jessica Michaud and Jennifer Westerbeek. All of these groups will participate in a special Palm Sunday performance on Sunday, April 10. Please register your child for Wednesday nights on the website, or app. And please join with us in prayer for the volunteers as they teach, lead, and love our Cornerstone kids on Wednesdays during Lent.

~Meredith Suits

Youth Ministry on Wednesdays

Our junior and senior high youth (7th to 12th grade) will enjoy some great fellowship together while exploring the book of Ecclesiastes! Ecclesiastes offers timely wisdom right where the lives of junior and senior high students need it most. We’re excited to see how the Lord will use this book. After large group teaching time, we end the night in small groups, which allow our students to process both the lesson and their lives in a smaller context with their peers and volunteer leaders. Youth, come and join us!

~Ben Griffith

In addition to children and youth ministries, nursery will be available per usual. So, bring those babies! And finally, so you can plan your night accordingly, the schedule for Wednesday nights is below.

5:15-6:00pm - Fellowship Meal (Catered) on the Patio at Biscuit Love (register online by noon on Mondays)

5:50-7:05pm - Preschool-3rd Grade, Kids Quest Catechism Club (basement—check-in & out in the rear foyer)

5:50-7:10pm - 4th-6th Grade, Bible Skills and Drills Class (Room 301)

6:00-7:15pm - Youth Group (Room 302-303)

6:15-7:00pm - Lenten Vespers Service, “Longing for God” (Chapel)

7:15-8:30pm - Lenten Choir (Chapel)

I look forward to seeing you next week at Midweek at Cornerstone!

Your servant,