Welcome to Women's Ministry!

Cornerstone’s vision for Women’s Ministry is grounded in God’s Word where women grow in the context of God’s people, always aiming for the glory of Christ. We offer small group Bible studies throughout the week during the Fall and Spring and provide a community-wide Bible study during the summer. This study is open to those within our congregation as well as those within the broader community. Women's Ministry also hosts several social gatherings throughout the year to provide opportunities for our women to grow in deeper relationships with one another. We also have regular retreats and mini-retreats and offer opportunities for mentoring. Welcome!

Martha Brooks, Women’s Director

Upcoming Events


Want to plug into Women’s Ministry?

We would love to hear from you!

Women’s Opportunities

  • Bible Studies are offered on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings. If you would like to join a Bible study for the spring of 2025, please contact Martha at martha@cstonepres.org.

  • Summer large group Bible Study with Nancy Guthrie

  • Regular social gatherings

  • Biennial Retreats

  • Mini-Retreats

  • Spiritual Mothering through Evenings of Encouragement

  • Steadfast Group (single ladies, 55+)

Women’s Ministry Team Members

Events: Julie Kesler, Allison Millard, Emily Mitchell, Liz Taylor, Lori Tice, Martha Kesler, Cecily Farwell

Bible Studies: Gwen Smith (curriculum), Susan Barnes (curriculum), Nancy Guthrie, Nancy Alldredge, Liz Taylor, Laurie Mee, Becky Payne, Robin Brown, Karen Koellein, Jenna Thompson, Emily Mitchell, Lori Tice, Charlotte Robinson, Meredith Suits, Bethany Segrest

Evenings of Encouragement: Suzann Allen, Julie Kesler, Allison Millard

Steadfast Leadership Team: Laurie Mee, Joyce Trevathan, Donna Vaughn