Pastoral Notes for Sunday, August 1, 2021

Dear Cornerstone Family:

Can you believe it? It’s already August! I guess time (summer!) flies when you’re having fun.

Just as families are busily preparing to start back to school, we are busily preparing for the launch of our fall Sunday School ministry. Next week you’ll hear from our Children’s Coordinator, Meredith Suits, about all the plans for children’s Sunday School. Today, however, I want to encourage every Cornerstone adult to attend our important opening Sunday School series of the fall term.

The series is titled, The Lay of the Land: Reflecting on the PCA and the 2021 General Assembly. This class will teach you about the foundations and story of our denomination in light of the key business of this year’s General Assembly. Special attention will be given to the study committee on sexuality and the issue of same sex attraction. You will walk away from this class with a better understanding of the issues biblically and in light of the PCA’s history and distinctive. I hope to see you in the chapel during Sunday School on August 15th!

Before I wrap up, I have some great news to share with you. We hired a new Office Administrator at Cornerstone! Her name is Laura Sessions. Yes, some of you will recognize that last name. Laura is the wife of Rev. Richie Sessions, who is the campus minister with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at Vanderbilt.

Laura was born and raised in Jackson, MS. She graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Business Administration with a particular emphasis in management of informational systems. While at Baylor, she met Richie, and they were married in 2000. After spending a few years in Cleveland, MS, and Memphis, TN, Laura moved to Franklin in 2015 when Richie accepted a call to be the Campus Minister at Vanderbilt.

Laura has served in a variety of administrative roles over the years. Most recently, she’s been an Administrative Assistant with RUF. She’s also volunteered her skills on a number of boards, serving as president and treasurer. For the last nineteen years, however, Laura’s primary work has been at home raising their three children: Mamie (19), Griffin (17), and Margaret (14).

If you would, whisper a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the provision of Laura. We are very excited to see how the Lord will use her in our midst. Also, pray for Laura! Pray her transition on staff will be smooth, and that the Lord will use her to help us accomplish our vision, “To glorify God in the gospel as disciples who make disciples.”

Your servant,