Dear Cornerstone family,
It was six weeks ago or so since I last spoke to you about the work of the Cornerstone Ministry Expansion Team. Today, I want to update you again about the ongoing work, but before I do, I’d like to briefly make note that that some who are reading this have joined us in the past couple of months and many more of you are likely visiting with us today. It seems appropriate, then, to go back and do a little flyover of some recent history.
Back in the spring, the elders of Cornerstone approved the formation of a team of elders, deacons, and members to help us address the “good problem” of growth at Cornerstone. The first month of the team’s work was spent praying together, rehearsing the vision of Cornerstone, and organizing into sub-teams. The next couple of months were spent collecting statistics about the congregation, researching various options for expansion, and starting a variety of conversations with interested parties.
During that second stage, particular attention was given to conducting sample surveys of the congregation in hopes to gain valuable input from a crossection of the Cornerstone family. That effort proved extremely helpful; leading the team to identify three different paths to walk down concurrently. The three paths: (1) explore maximizing the space of our current location, (2) explore multiplying into an additional church site or plant, and (3) explore purchasing a larger existing church building or land for building a future.
In the last six weeks or so, the team has begun to zero in on specific short term, mid-term, and long-term plans for expansion. In other words, they’re looking at how we can specifically address our immediate space needs for worship, fellowship, and education. At the same time, with continued growth in middle Tennessee expected, the team is identifying specific paths for what midterm expansion (2-5 years from now) and longer-term expansion (7-10 years from now) might look like for Cornerstone.
Though there is still some runway left, the Cornerstone Ministry Expansion Team is much closer to the end of than the beginning of their work. As proposals and recommendations begin to take shape, please keep praying for the team. Moreover, pray for the church! In fact, go back to the three prayers we started praying at the very beginning of this journey.
Pray the prayer of surrender - Ask God to bring us to a place where we want God’s will, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else (Luke 22:42)
Pray the prayer for unity - Ask God for a spirit of unity, both for leaders and the church membership as we seek God’s face together (John 17:11)
Pray the prayer for wisdom - Ask God boldly for wisdom for your leaders and the church––that we would see what God most wants us to know and believe as we answer his call (James 1:5)
Following the Lord is always an adventure. I can’t wait to see where he takes us next!
Your servant,