“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”—Oswald Chambers
Last week I challenged you to identify one prayer need in your life and then share it with Cornerstone prayer team by e-mailing prayer@cstonepres.org. If you forgot to do that, take a moment now before services or later this afternoon and fire off a prayer request to the prayer team. We’d love to be lifting you up to the throne of grace.
As we’ve grown in our commitment to praying together as a congregation, we’ve recognized an almost constant need for education on the importance and practice of prayer. With that in mind, I asked Marge Middleton, Co-Leader of the Prayer Ministry, to tell us about the new book the Prayer Team has been reading together with great benefit. Check out what Marge wrote below:
A few years ago, God gave me a burden to participate in a prayer ministry at Cornerstone with others who have a similar burden. After speaking with Nate and others about it, we all agreed it was a worthy and needed goal. The prayer ministry did not come together quickly, but after brainstorming ideas in January of 2016, our first weekly meeting for prayer occurred in April of 2016. We gathered simply to pray for the needs of our congregation.
In April of 2017, I attended the National Conference of The Gospel Coalition in Indianapolis and came back with a new book, Praying Together by Megan Hill. This book was perfect for our new prayer ministry, but also valuable to anyone wanting to have a deeper prayer life. It focuses on praying in groups, our duty and privilege to pray together, the biblical mandate, and the blessings that God promises when his people are obedient in prayer.
The author started praying with her small church’s prayer meeting when her pastor-father brought her to the weekly meetings. They became a school of prayer to her as she listened to the prayers of older, more mature saints pouring out their praises and supplications before the throne of grace. She brings a wealth of biblical insight and wisdom of experience to this book. It is written in three parts. She writes about the biblical foundations of praying together in part one, the fruit of praying together in part two, and the practical application of doing prayer in groups in part three.
Full of inspiring stories, sound theology, and practical application, I believe this book will energize and motivate anyone who wishes to dig deeper and draw closer to God and other believers as they pray for one another.
Stop by the Bookshelf on the second floor landing this morning and pick up a copy of Praying Together by Megan Hill. It might just be the tool God uses to draw you into relationship with others and God through prayer.