Dear Cornerstone Family,
As is our custom at Cornerstone, we have set aside the four weeks leading up to Christmas to prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. This year we will consider the mystery of the incarnation and the hope of Christ’s return through the writing of the most often referenced Old Testament prophet in the New Testament, the prophet Isaiah.
Arguably better than any other Old Testament book, Isaiah provides a compelling vision of the person and work of the coming Messiah. As we trace the prophetic shadows into the light of fulfillment, we will once again see the wonder of the Christ child and the power of redeeming love.
If you are able, set aside time on Saturday evening to read through the text for Sunday. You might even access the bulletin online, taking a look at the other readings and hymns. You may be surprised by how a little preparation on Saturday evening can open your heart to the Spirit’s work in worship.
Prepare the Way of the Lord
November 28, “Peace, Peace both Near and Far” (Isaiah 57:14-19)
December 5, “All Flesh Shall See it Together” (Isaiah 40:1-11)
December 12, “Do Not Despise the Day of Small Things” (Isaiah 11:1-10)
December 19, “Singing All the Way Home” (Isaiah 35:1-10)
As we course through Advent, my prayer is that we will learn the godly discipline of eagerly waiting for the long- in-coming Savior. For by looking back and remembering Christ’s first advent, we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord a second time. Moreover, our longing for Christ’s return grows all the more! For as we glimpse the glory of Bethlehem, we can’t help but turn in anticipation to the promised and coming New Jerusalem.
When Christmas (finally) arrives this year, let’s enjoy it. Let’s feast! Let’s sing and dance! Truly, let’s take hold of the gospel afresh and celebrate in a way that matches the good news of great joy that is for all people.
And when the season of Epiphany commences, let’s be ready to follow Jesus in the New Year. Just as the magi from the East followed the star all the way to Jesus, we will once again set our mind on things above, where Christ is, and take up our missionary call. By God’s grace, we will grow more into the church God has called us to be—a city set on a hill, a light that cannot be hidden.
Grace & Peace,