Pastoral Notes for Sunday, September 24, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Today is our thirtieth and final sermon in the book of Ephesians. Words fail to express the personal blessing I’ve experienced in studying this beloved epistle. I’ve been so deeply encouraged by the dozens of different testimonies I’ve heard from you about the ways the Lord has used this series in your life. To God be the glory!

Starting next week, we will begin a new journey working our way through the prophet Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament. Written in the 5th century B.C., Malachi prophesied during what should have been a time of great joy and hope for the people of Israel. The nightmare of exile was over. After seventy years of languishing in Babylon, Israel was back in the Promised Land. Through the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah, the nation was moving in the right direction. Population was on the increase. The economy was beginning to trend in the right direction. With the city wall in place, Israel was (finally) enjoying a sense of national security. And with the temple rebuilt, Israel was once again worshiping Yahweh in the land.

Despite all this, there was trouble in the camp. Israel’s worship was half-hearted at best. They were holding back offerings from the Lord. They were devaluing marriage and were given to sexual immortality. They abandoned their covenant commitments and belittled the truth of God’s Word. They questioned God’s love and whored after foreign gods. Yes, they were back in the land geographically speaking, but they were not back spiritually speaking. In a sense, the people were still exiled. They were exiled in heart from the Lord.

After all the Lord has done for Israel, you wouldn’t have blamed the Lord if he’d cut and run. These people are never going to learn! And yet, the Lord did not give up on them. In the midst of Israel’s fickleness, Malachi teaches us about God’s faithfulness. That is why I’ve entitled this series, God’s Unchanging Love.

To go along with the sermon series, you will find a new Cornerstone Devotional available this morning. In the devotional, there is a weekly breakdown of the sermon text, supplemental readings, memory verses, and more. Please make good use of this vital resource as together we study the prophet Malachi and learn more about God’s Unchanging Love for his people.

Your servant,