Pastoral Notes for Sunday, September 17, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

We believe an important part of a church’s ministry is to raise up pastors for the work of ministry. Toward that end, we established an internship program to help young men explore the call to pastoral ministry. Engaging their head, heart, and hands, pastoral interns enter a course of study, participate actively in the ministries of the church, shadow pastors and officers in their roles, and are given practical opportunities to exercise gifts for ministry.

One of our pastoral interns is Mr. Tucker Alexander. As a part of his internship, I asked Tucker to write a Pastoral Note for us. You will find that note published below.

There has been so much going on at Cornerstone – buying new property, staff transitions, and the Lord adding to our number. With all this change, it can be so easy to get caught up in the happenings and miss some of the things the Lord has for us. In this pastoral note, I want to encourage us to continually be asking the Lord to keep our eyes open to his direction for our lives.

One thing the Lord calls us to everyday is to be obedient to him and “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord” (Col. 1:10), but different challenges cause us to teeter. For some of us, it might be a really challenging season with our spouse. For others, it is caring for an aging parent. I’m not sure what specific context and calling the Lord has placed you in for this season. I do know, however, that whatever you’re facing, he calls you to walk in a manner worthy of Him. I do know that He invites all of us to use our lives as a testimony of His faithfulness.

This challenge might appear burdensome. It might feel like just another brick to add into our backpack of burdens. But He doesn’t ask us to carry it alone. He strengthens us with His power. He gave us His spirit so that as we go, we can be in total communion with Him. He promises us that He never leaves us. It is such a freeing thing to know that He gives us the grace we need to walk in a manner worthy of Him, and His power is most present and sufficient in our weakness.

As we prepare our hearts for worship this morning, take thirty seconds to do a quick inventory. In what ways have you failed to demonstrate your love for the Lord in your walk this week? What sins lay heavy in your mind and heart that you have left unconfessed? Have there been opportunities to walk faithfully that you left undone? Confess these sins now. He promises forgiveness. He promises that He will make us more like Him. His word is true, and He will surely do it.

Please pray for Tucker and our other ministry interns/assistants as they explore ministry as a vocational calling. I’m thinking specifically of our Pastoral Assistant, Mr. Ethan Vroom, and our Music & Worship Assistant, Mr. Maxwill Shell. All of these brothers are a vital part of the Cornerstone team, and I am deeply grateful to be partnered with them in ministry.

Your servant,