Pastoral Notes for Sunday, July 30, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

It's been a joy to witness God at work in our midst throughout the month of July. Though I’ve been out two Sundays, it’s been particularly meaningful for me to catch up during the week on livestream and benefit from worship and especially the preaching of our dear brothers, Mr. Nathan Johnson on July 2nd and Rev. Tony Giles this last Sunday, July 23rd. 

 Also, from a ministry programming standpoint, though we’ve missed our regular summer Sunday School, it’s been bustling during the week. From Monday night with young adults, Tuesday night with women, Wednesday night with youth, and Thursday night with men, it's been a full weekly rhythm of ministries. That is to say nothing of the very successful youth mission trip with Joni and Friends and the various children’s and nursery ministry park play dates!

Last week when I was at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC, on the heels of taking a doctoral class at Reformed Theological Seminary, I was asked how Cornerstone fares in my absence. I responded, “Are you kidding? We have the best staff and volunteer leaders in the world. Things run smoother when I am gone!” I love boasting in the Lord’s provision at Cornerstone!

On that note, I’d like to publicly thank the Cornerstone staff, elders, and deacons for the way they’ve stepped up, served, and advanced the cause of the gospel this summer. It has been a very long summer of ministry for me, and I’ve been out of pocket a bit more than usual. My absence has placed an increased burden on a number of our staff and officers, and yet ministry has advanced more than ever! Just today (Thursday), a member called to tell me how much a certain ministry has meant to them the last couple of weeks as they passed through a difficult patch. My heart is warmed by these beautiful testimonies of God’s work in our midst. I hope you will join me in rejoicing!

Before I conclude, I want to give a brief update on the renovation plans. As you’ve noticed, we’ve made slow but sure progress on the sanctuary, but the planned renovations for the first and third floors have yet to begin. The reason is that the actual bid for the renovations of the first and third floors was about $500,000 more than originally estimated. Given this significant increase in cost, and in light of our added space across the street (203 3rd Avenue South), we have carefully reevaluated and reprioritized our needs. At this point, we are looking to renovate the first floor, which will greatly increase our fellowship and overflow space, and postpone the third floor renovations for at least a year if not longer. Thankfully, with the purchase of 203 3rd Avenue, the third floor of the chapel can be utilized to meet current Sunday School needs as we approach the fall.

Thank you for continuing to pray for and support the ministry of Cornerstone. It is such a  blessing to be a part of this wonderful community of faith.

Your servant,