Pastoral Notes for Sunday, June 25, 2023

Dear Cornerstone family,

The fiscal year at Cornerstone runs from July 1 to June 30, which means we’re headed into the final few days of our 2022- 2023 fiscal year. As we draw this fiscal year to a close, we want to thank you for the generous way you’ve given to the work of ministry. Through your gifts, God has provided all we need and more, and for this we rejoice!

During the last two years, our membership and ministry has grown exponentially, and with growth comes increased needs. As we embark on a new fiscal year, we humbly ask you to maintain and even prayerfully consider increasing your giving to Cornerstone this year. With added staff, expanded ministries, a new building and renovations, the next fiscal year will be the most financially demanding year in Cornerstone’s existence.

Praise God, we are entering the next fiscal year in a healthy position, and we have every reason to believe that our Good Shepherd will supply all our needs yet again through your faithful and sacrificial giving (Philippians 4:19). We will be back in touch with you soon regarding the 2023-2024 Cornerstone budget presentation. Please be on the lookout for that!

Now, as we continue our emphasis on missions this June, I asked Rev. Tony Giles to update us on his leadership coaching work with Serge. Please give close attention to his report:

My grandmother was the neighborhood seamstress. I can close my eyes and hear her vintage Singer sewing machine whirling from the spare bedroom. I think of her most every time I explain what it is I do in my role with Serge.

A “serger” is a sewing machine with a specific design and purpose. It takes two ragged edges of cloth and forms them into a beautiful seam. Wholeness and beauty where once were frayed edges. That’s just what the gospel does in our lives! The gospel takes the frayed, torn, and broken parts of our lives and brings them together into a whole—made beautiful by the transforming power of the gospel.

Serge is an international missions organization bringing together mission and spiritual renewal. The tagline is “Grace at the Fray.” No surprise, becoming a pastor or ministry leader doesn’t exempt you from the trials and failings of being a sinful, broken person. At Serge, we realize we need the grace of the gospel in our own lives, even as we take the message of God’s grace to others. Our work consists of helping people experience on-going gospel transformation and equipping them to move outward into mission.

My role at Serge is in the Renewal end of things working with pastors and church leaders all over the country in two distinct ways:

  • Church Leader Development is individualized coaching through online meetings twice a month with a three day site visit somewhere along the way. The issues and challenges of each leader are unique. Find out more about how it works here:

  • Beginning this fall, I will be facilitating Leadership Lab, a nine-month online leadership course for emerging, developing or seasoned Christian leaders in a local church setting. After a year of editing and testing the material, it’s now ready to go. Pray as we launch this new initiative with two cohorts this fall. You can learn more at:

    “Grace at the fray” describes my need to a “T.” I desperately need your prayers. If any of you would like to receive the update/prayer letter I send out a few times a year, just let me know. I remain so very grateful for the Cornerstone Session’s readiness to allow me this time to serve beyond the walls of the church I love.