Pastoral Notes for Sunday, March 5, 2023

Dear Cornerstone family,

I want to take a minute to update you on two important matters related to our life together as a family.

At the end of last year, your session erected a search committee for a new position at Cornerstone, a Minister of Youth and Families. We’ve had a number of part time Youth Directors over the years, but this is the first time we’ve pursued a full-time pastor for this important role.

Ruling elder, Randy Allen, is the chairman of the search committee. He is surrounded by an all-star cast of servants including Liz Taylor, Matt Suits, Lauren Smith, Ellie Terrell, and Tony Giles. They have been hard at work collecting names of interested applicants and performing interviews with qualified candidates.

In the coming weeks, several important steps will be taken. Would you please pray that the Lord would grant discernment and lead us to God’s man? As we enter into the next stage in the process and begin to narrow in on specific candidates, would you earnestly pray for the committee and their search? Make a note right now on your calendar to pray this week for the search committee and for the man God has planned to serve in this important role.

Shifting gears, I also want to give you a brief update on our ministry expansion plans. As you’ve no doubt noticed, it’s getting a little tight at Cornerstone! To help us address the “good problem” of growth, the session erected an expansion team to help us chart a path forward. After much research and effort by the expansion team, the decision was made to hire an owner’s representative firm to lead us through the expansion effort.

The owner’s representative has pulled together a project team, which includes an architectural firm and commercial construction company. Right now, the architectural firm is developing detailed plans and specifications in order to get the construction permitting process started with the City of Franklin Codes Department. Assuming a timely approval by the codes department, the current plan would be to begin construction on a significant redesign and upgrade of our first floor (i.e. “basement”) and third floor in May with a hopeful completion by the end of the summer.

In the meantime, plans are coming together to slightly pare back the front of the platform in the chapel/sanctuary to accommodate additional seating at the front of the church. In addition, there will be a slight enlargement of the platform for the musicians. Along with the platform modifications, there are plans for replacing the carpet in the chapel/sanctuary.

As we move into another exciting season, I want to thank you for the many ways you’ve supported the worship and work of the ministry of Cornerstone. Your great ideas, expressions of support, and faithful prayers have been a constant encouragement. As the Apostle Paul so often says, “I thank God for you.” Truly, I do.