Pastoral Notes for Sunday, September 22, 2024

I’ve asked our Women’s Ministry Director, Mrs. Martha Brooks, to share more about the upcoming Women’s Retreat in October. Please take time to read her note below.

Dear Cornerstone family, 

Once every two years (is that biennial? biannual? let’s just say once every two years) Cornerstone Women host a retreat. It’s actually been almost three years since our last retreat, as the last time we attempted a retreat we experienced an honest-to-goodness blizzard. On that snow-covered night in January 2022, I issued a decree: we would never again plan a winter retreat. We just get too much snow around here (ok, maybe we don’t get much snow and maybe it was more of a dusting than a blizzard, but we Southerners have no business being on the roads at even the slightest flurry, and I have a snow day routine that includes Settlers of Catan and “While You Were Sleeping” and in no way involves me leaving my house). So, all that to say, our biennial/biannual/once-every-two-years-retreat is quickly approaching in its new permanent home: fall.

We are calling this retreat Scenes by the Sea. Over the course of the weekend, we will hear from Courtney Doctor and Nancy Guthrie about three events in the life of Jesus that took place by the Sea of Galilee. Our own dear Nancy needs no introduction, and some of you may remember Courtney. She spoke at a women’s event three years ago and declared Cornerstone Women “my kind of people!” She jumped at the opportunity to be with us again. Courtney received an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary in 2013, is an author and Bible teacher, and currently serves as the Director of Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition. God has blessed Courtney and her husband, Craig, with four wonderful children, three great kids-in-law, five sweet grandchildren, and their much loved, goofy dog, Walter.

In addition to the large group teaching sessions, we will play a game (Trivia Night 2.0, anyone?), worship together in song, enjoy delicious food, and hear from a panel of diverse Cornerstone women. We will also have a time where gifted women from our body will lead mini-workshops varying from beginning knitting to a nature walk to discussing your latest literary loves and more. 

Scenes by the Sea will take place three miles from here at Christ Community Church’s Harpeth House on Friday, October 25, 5:30 - 9:00 p.m., and Saturday, October 26, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. As per usual with our “good problem,” space is limited. Registration will close October 4, so please don’t delay reserving your spot through the church website. The cost is $40, or $25 for students, and scholarships are available. Young ladies in the Youth Group are encouraged to attend as well!

The retreat team has been faithfully planning and praying for this weekend for well over a year now. I sincerely hope you’ll make this a priority on your fall calendar and join us for what will surely be a fun-filled, joy-filled, friend-filled, Spirit-filled weekend. 

Unless it snows. 


Martha Brooks