Pastoral Notes for Sunday, June 30, 2024

Dear Cornerstone Family,

As a baseline of involvement at Cornerstone, we recommend every member follow a fairly straightforward three-point formula: attend worship weekly, find a place to grow, find a place to serve. 

There are lots of other good things we could add to that list, so it’s fair to ask the question, “Why do we recommend these three commitments in particular?” The reason is simple: those who make these commitments tend to demonstrate measurable signs of spiritual growth over time.

When you think about it, this is hardly surprising. Over and over the Bible emphasizes the priority of Lord’s Day worship, discipleship, and service as essential to what it means to be a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Hebrews 10:23-25).

As we continue to scale for health and growth as a congregation, there are areas of ministry—especially service—that need your help. Toward that end, we are taking time today in worship to hear the Lord say to us, “Bear each other’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2).

Then, each Sunday in July, we will highlight a particular ministry area in need. Specifically, we will give attention to the prayer ministry team, the nursery team, the communion preparation team, and the watchman team. You will hear reports and testimonies from ministry leaders and team members as well as specific ways you can serve. Begin praying now about how the Lord is calling you to respond to the needs within the body of Christ.

Finally, on the behalf of the elders, it is my distinct privilege to announce the unanimous recommendation of Mr. Sean Kelley and Mr. William Tice for election as ruling elders and Mr. Matt Michaud and Mr. Carl Ware as deacons at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church. These brothers have faithfully completed officer training and been sustained in examination in the areas of Christian character, Bible knowledge, the Westminster Confession of Faith, the PCA Book of Church Order, and qualification for church office (1 Timothy 3:1-13).

The election will be held on Sunday, August 11 during the Sunday School hour. Only communing members of Cornerstone are eligible to vote in the upcoming election. If you are a communing member of Cornerstone, we strongly urge you to participate in the upcoming officer election!

Next week we will publish short bios and pictures of the officer candidates, so that you can begin to get know them better. Between now and August 11, please feel free to reach out to them directly. Their contact information is in the church directory. Ask about their testimony, their walk with Jesus Christ, and their sense of call to the office of elder or deacon. They would be delighted to hear from you.

Your servant,