Pastoral Notes for Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Since 1909 the United States of America has in some form celebrated Father’s Day. As a complement to Mother’s Day, the third Sunday in June was set apart in order to specifically honor the role of fathers in families and more generally the institution of Fatherhood for the good of society.

Statistically, it is a well-established fact that a home with a father fairs better than home without a father. From alleviating poverty to children’s academic performance and future success in life, the presence of fathers is a blessing to families and communities bearing generational dividends.  

More than a secular holiday, however, Father’s Day provides Christians with a unique opportunity to honor, not just earthly Fathers, but the only perfect Father, our Heavenly Father. Providing everything we need––most importantly, salvation––and ensuring our complete maturity, our Heavenly Father is second to none and is the model for what it means to be a godly father.

Today, we give thanks for our earthly Fathers for the many ways they love, care, and serve the best interest of their families. But more than this, we give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father, who loves, cares, and serves the best interest of his family eternally. May he be glorified in all we do today in worship!

Secondly, I want to extend a brief word of thanksgiving to the many of you who are avid listeners to the new church podcast, Life at the Corner. I’m not going to lie; I debated for a long time whether to enter the podcast world. In large part because I wasn’t sure (1) whether the effort was worth the investment and (2) whether I could add something else to my already overloaded plate. Nevertheless, your excitement and interest, coupled with the steady stream of comments and encouragements I have received along the way have convinced me of the podcast’s ministerial benefit.

That said, breaks are important. A few weeks ago I decided the first season of the podcast will come to a close at the end of June. That means the last episode of the first season will drop on Monday, June 24. I will take off July and return for a second season of the podcast in August, Lord willing. If you haven’t yet had a chance to listen in to the podcast, please consider taking time over the month of July to explore the wide variety of important topics we’ve addressed thus far, including deconstruction, kingdom prayer, Israel and the church, transgender weddings, and, most recently, the conscience.

Finally, and, briefly, thank you for praying for Randy Allen, Jim Payne, Tony Giles, and yours truly as we served this week in Richmond, VA, at the 51st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America. I look forward to sharing a few highlights from this week’s business during the Sunday School hour today. Please join me!

Your servant,