Pastoral Notes for Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dear Cornerstone family, 

One of the many joys of being a minister at Cornerstone Presbyterian Church is having the chance to work with young men and women who have interest in pursuing ministry vocationally. Though everyone’s call to ministry is different, it’s often true that interest in vocational ministry grows over time as one begins to exercise spiritual gifts and serves in the church.

To help assess a call to and aptitude for ministry, Cornerstone developed an internship program that is designed as a training ground for the work of ministry. Internship training includes but is not limited to theological, ecclesiological, and practical on-the-job ministry training. The intern will read, write, discuss, and be involved in practical ministry in order to test their head (intellectual), heart (spiritual), and hands (practical) in the work of ministry.

Over the 13 years of Cornerstone’s existence, the Lord has blessed Cornerstone with eleven interns. Currently, we have former interns serving as either pastors, counselors, or lay church workers in Oregon, California, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

We’ve recently added a new intern to our staff who is no stranger to Cornerstone. Mr. James Goddard joined the Cornerstone staff as a Pastoral Counseling Intern in January. James is a long-time member at Cornerstone and is actively involved in young adults and men’s ministry.

James holds a Master of Arts and Counseling from Covenant Theological Seminary and a bachelor’s degree from New College Franklin in the Liberal Arts. James is a therapist who has interest in working in the context of a church. For the next year, he is spending ten hours a week on staff to explore his sense of call and gain valuable experience in working for a church. We are looking forward to seeing how James grows this year and to benefit from his training and gifts in Christian counseling.

Before I conclude, I want to remind you that last year the Finance Committee established The Seminary Student Support Fund to help provide additional support to former interns of Cornerstone who have answered the call of vocational ministry and enrolled in seminary education. As a church, we partner financially with interns pursuing vocational ministry for a portion of the costs associated with seminary education. Over the years, we’ve noticed interns often hit difficult patches financially (a medical procedure, vehicle repair, etc.) incurring significant costs beyond what they or we can provide.

To help meet this need, The Seminary Student Support Fund was created. It’s a way for you, the congregation, to give in a designated way to meet these additional needs of students. The application process, approval, and disbursements from The Seminary Student Support Fund is overseen by the Missions Committee. Only students who were interns of Cornerstone and are pursuing vocational ministry are eligible to receive help from The Seminary Student Support Fund.

In addition to your regular giving to Cornerstone, please consider a gift to this fund. When you give, designate your gift for The Seminary Student Support Fund. If you have any questions about the fund, contact our Mission’s Committee chairman, Mr. John Millard, at

Your servant,