Pastoral Notes for Sunday, June 2, 2024

Dear Cornerstone Family,

You made it. You survived the blitzkrieg of May! I know, it was touch and go there for a bit, but it’s June now and you’re still clothed and in your right mind. Let’s call that a win.

The pool is (finally) open. The fishing pole is in the back of the truck. The soon-in-coming beach vacation is circled on the calendar. You’re settling into a schools-out-for-summer state of mind.  

But before you dive headfirst into summer, may I offer a caution? Summer is an opportune time to slow down, spend quality time with family, and enjoy some R&R. At the same time, summer is an easy time to lose our way spiritually. Our Bible reading takes a backseat to beach reading. Our church attendance is replaced by pool time. Generally, we have a tendency to ease up on the accelerator spiritually speaking. If I boiled it all down, the temptation to live for self is stronger during summer than at any other point in the year.  

It is true; this temptation is always present, lurking underneath each moment of every day. But there are certain times—like summer vacation—that are literally designed for us, so to speak. Think about it. Why do we go on vacation? We go for our own rest and enjoyment. In fact, our friends actually tell you, “Go enjoy yourself.” When we say that, we mean, “Go have a good time,” and that’s right in so far as it goes. But it’s easy for our sinful hearts to hear “Enjoy yourself” and slip into “Live for self” mode. Ironically, when we do this, we cut the legs out of true rest and enjoyment. The pleasure we gain when living for self is shallow and fleeting. It leaves us disappointed and discontent.

Truth is, God has not designed us to enjoy ourselves by living for self. This is where we go wrong. We go on vacation, and we try to rest like the rest of the world. If we’re honest, many of us “rest” from our Christian commitments on vacation. It’s crazy, but we go on vacation to rest, and we walk away from the Lord of rest! Not surprisingly, our vacations end up restless. We wind up needing vacations from our vacations (!) because we neglected the true rest our souls need.

With all this in mind, I want to challenge you to commit to move through summer differently this year. By all means, keep catching those lightning bugs and sipping that sweet tea on the back porch. Enjoy the good things God designed summer for. But as you do, enjoy the Lord of the summer most of all. If you do that, you might just have the best summer yet.

Your servant,