Pastoral Notes for Sunday, May 26, 2024

For the Pastoral Notes today, I’ve asked our Children’s Coordinator, Meredith Suits, to update us on the work of the children’s ministry this past semester.

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Amidst all the graduations and end-of-year celebrations in this busy month of May, the children’s ministry also celebrated the end of another school year. We’ve enjoyed several months of Sunday School and Midweek classes and have so much to report and so many volunteers to thank.

In August, we began our Sunday School year in new classrooms on the second floor. Our preschoolers, led by Joe and Joy Marlo and Faith Crampton, explored the Old Testament, learned several songs, and memorized Psalm 1. Watching them recite this chapter with hand motions is surely one of the most precious things you will see.

Our kindergarteners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders began The Biggest Story, a new curriculum based on the corresponding Bible storybook by Kevin DeYoung. Lisa Fielder and Colleen McGarry focused on the Old Testament stories in this curriculum with their kindergarten class, and Alli Faulk and Carl Ware led the 1st and 2nd graders through most of the New Testament stories. If you’ve walked through these classrooms on the second floor, you’ve seen some of the incredible artwork that goes with these stories and the curriculum you’ve likely heard in passing all the laughter and joy that these teachers encourage in their kids. It is great fun to watch these teachers love their students so well.

In the 3rd and 4th grade, Matt O’Roark and Sean Kelley recently finished a unit on worship—who and why we worship, the Lord’s prayer, and elements of worship. We’re so thankful for this inquisitive group of kids and the leadership of Matt and Sean. Similarly, our 5th and 6th graders were engaged in lots of great conversations about the New City Catechism with Mike and Sabrina Brewer and Katie Ewing. This class met at The Corner House throughout the year and was one of the first groups to use our new building regularly, which was a fun change for our oldest children.

Our midweek programming in the fall and spring was the first time we used a rotational learning curriculum in which the same Bible story or theme was the focus for several weeks in a row. Jessica Michaud and Alli Faulk wrote the entire curriculum for the fall over the Good Samaritan (Luke 10) and the parables of the lost sheep and lost coin (Luke 15). Nic and Kayce Lane, Joanie Pittman, and Jen Westerbeek rotated to a different class each week, teaching lessons about these stories and reinforcing important Bible truths through art, acting, science, and history. Jessica also wrote the entire spring curriculum for our Midweek sessions about the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3). Oh, and Jessica led our kids in a wonderful Advent Children’s Choir concert in December. I think it’s safe to say Jessica has spent most of this year sharing her many talents with our children’s ministry, and we are truly thankful!

I would also like to thank our Midweek assistants: Rebecca Hassee, Karen Koellein, Mary Lynn Giles, Ronda Laventure, and Rachel Taggart. They helped keep all our midweek activities running smoothly. There were many more of you who stepped in to sub for our Sunday School and Midweek classes and who provided much-needed support to our children and parents—we so appreciate you. Any time you can be involved in the children’s ministry here at Cornerstone, you are doing important, kingdom-building work and preparing the next generation of the church to love and serve God.

Please find these volunteers today or in the coming weeks and encourage them in the work they have done. Not only do we have a wealth of talents in our Cornerstone body, but we have talented people who hear the call to serve and love our children and answer it with humility, commitment, and joy.

We are looking forward to VBS and summer Sunday School. Stay tuned for more updates about the work God is doing through our volunteers and through you as you pray for us.


Meredith Suits