Pastoral Notes for Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Our vision is to “Glorify God in the gospel together as disciples who make disciples.” Notice that last phrase—disciples who make disciples. We aspire to be a church committed to raising up disciple making disciples. We aim to train you, God’s beloved people, in the joyful discipline of sharing the gospel with others, so that the beautiful grace of salvation might extend from our neighborhoods to the nations.

Toward that end, this past year we’ve offered classes like Gospel 101 and Christianity Explored. These courses and others like them are a training ground for learning the basics of sharing the faith. As those who have taken these courses can testify, joining together in the work of making disciples builds in the needed encouragement and accountability to stay on mission for Christ in the world.

Speaking of staying on mission, we have a unique opportunity to be salt and light to our community. Through the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), we have been invited to start an after- school Good News Club at Liberty Elementary School. Your Missions Committee in relationship with Suzanne Farris, a member at Cornerstone, have been prayerfully considering partnering with CEF to do this, and there are several interested volunteers already in our midst. The teacher of a couple of our own Cornerstone children has enthusiastically agreed to sponsor the club! Now, it’s time to put together a team to be ready, Lord willing, to start a club in the fall.

If God is moving your heart to serve the children and families of our community through sharing the good news of the gospel and you’d like to know more about this new ministry (there are many ministry roles, very much like VBS), you’re invited to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday, June 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Corner House. Young people (14 and older) are welcome, as are those that want to support this ministry in prayer.

If you can’t make the June 4 meeting but want to know more, please contact Suzanne Farris at She would love to hear from you! In responding to this invitation to serve, you could be an answer to many prayers and a gospel witness to the least of these (Matthew 19:14, 25:40) in our beloved city of Franklin. Please prayerfully consider what role you might play in this important gospel opportunity.

Your servant,