Pastoral Notes for Sunday, February 4, 2024

Dear Cornerstone Family,

If you’ve been with us for a bit, you’ve seen the ministry of Cornerstone grow significantly. In the past three years, we’ve almost doubled in size. Though this sharp increase in growth was unexpected, we rejoice at the tremendous opportunity to serve more of God’s people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

At the same time, with increasing growth comes increasing ministry needs––more staff, leaders, volunteers, ministries, and space. And with increasing ministry needs comes increases in need for financial resources. Praise the Lord, the needs of Cornerstone through this season of growth have been met through your commitment to give generously to the work of ministry. In fact, every year of our twelve-year history we’ve seen an increase in giving, which means every year we’ve been able to invest more resources in kingdom work. Praise the Lord!

Knowing the legacy of generosity at Cornerstone, I asked you in December to please remember the church in your end of the year giving. I mentioned our great desire to continue to maintain a healthy financial position as a church through the purchase and update of The Corner House and the complete renovation of the bottom floor of the Chapel—two significant expenditures. I further mentioned our earnest desire to pay off, or, at the very least, greatly reduce the $600,000 we owe on the Chapel before our balloon note comes due (or is renegotiated) in March of 2024.

For those of you who are able, I asked you to prayerfully consider increasing your giving to Cornerstone by 25- 50% from December to March. Many of you heard that challenge and responded. Through your cheerful and sacrificial giving, we see the Lord answering our prayers!

Our next Cornerstone Family Meeting will be during Sunday School on February 18th. At that meeting, we will give several updates on the life and ministry of the church—including an important financial report regarding year-end-giving, renovations, and debt retirement. This meeting will be an opportunity for our church family to remember God’s goodness, rejoice in God’s provision, and renew our commitment to God’s call in and through the church.

As we prepare for the February 18th meeting, please continue to support the ministry of Cornerstone to the best of your ability as together we deploy our earthly treasure for eternal investment (Revelation 21:9-27).

Your servant,