Pastoral Notes for Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dear Cornerstone Family,

I ran across an old peanuts cartoon strip the other day. Some of you will know it. Lucy says to Linus, “You could never be a doctor. You know why?” Linus doesn’t respond, but that doesn’t slow Lucy down. She continues, “Because you don’t love mankind. That’s why!” As Lucy walks away, Linus yells after her, “I love mankind! It’s people I can’t stand!”

It’s funny, and so we laugh—rightfully so. But don’t miss the important and very uncomfortable truth Linus tells. People are so much easier to love in theory. For instance, I have no problems with my hypothetical neighbor. I have no conflicts with my hypothetical boss. I’m at perfect peace with my hypothetical spouse. But my real-life, living, breathing neighbor, coworker, and spouse? Well, that’s an entirely different story.

Reflecting on this uncomfortable truth this week, I confessed to the Lord how holy I sometimes feel sipping my coffee, reading my Bible, and praying alone. “Ah, this is what living the Christian life is all about.” Now, I don’t believe that, and I’d never say that. But it’s easy—especially for some of us—to fall into the trap of thinking the Christian life is about a set of spiritual disciplines or building theological castles in the sky. But spiritual disciplines and theology are for living and loving like Christ. Believe it or not, your Bible reading plan and “flawless” theology aren’t the point. They are the means God is using to prepare you to live and love like him.

Beginning February 14, we will spend the six Wednesday nights leading up to Holy Week looking at a variety of “one another”commands in the New Testament. We will come to terms with the (humbling) fact that our grasp of Christ-like love is best seen in relationship to our whiny two-year-old, overbearing boss, and impossible mother-in-law. Then, we will consider, as Titus 2:11-14 teaches, how the grace of God trains us to put God’s love to work in relationship with one another.

The One Another Commands: Learning to Love Like Christ

- Feb. 14, Have this Mind with One Another

- Feb. 21, Welcome One Another

- Feb. 28, Speak the Word with One Another

- March 6, Have Fellowship with One Another

- March 13, Serve One Another

- March 20, Give Grace to One Another

I can’t wait to take this journey with you.

Your servant,