Pastoral Notes for Sunday, December 31, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

I trust your family had a wonderful Christmas holiday, and that you’re preparing to make the turn into 2024.

For some of us, 2024 will prove to be an incredible year. Despite the rumors, you’re going to survive high school and walk across the stage in May and graduate. Despite the waiting, he’s finally going to pop the question and you––yes, YOU––are going to be married. And despite all the interviews and rejections, despite almost giving up, you will land the dream job this year. That’s right, 2024 is the year.

For others of us, 2024 will be anything but incredible. I don’t mean to be a downer, but it’s true. Lots of disappointment and heartache will come this year. Whether a dreaded diagnosis, or an unexpected cutback at work, or the loss of a baby that did not make it to term, we can be sure 2024 will have its fair share of sorrows.

All of this is to say that 2024 is shaping up to be a typical year in the subjected-to-futility-world that eagerly waits for redemption (Romans 8:19-20). Knowing this to be true, how should we then live?

In May of 2020, Christy and I found out that the little girl we were expecting was almost assuredly Down Syndrome. That news knocked the wind out of us. In the days following, we worried, questioned, prayed. We’d collect ourselves for a while. Then, we’d think or say something, and the cycle of questions and worries would start back over. With each passing day, however, we were learning (again and again) not to face tomorrow’s troubles with today’s grace.

In the midst of that season, I revisited what I call, “The five R’s.” The simple but profound instructions of the five R’s carried us through that season. The five R’s, however, are not just for difficult seasons. They are truths we need every day of every year. What are the five R’s?

  • Remember the truth of God’s promises (Isaiah 26:4)

  • Remember to rest in God’s providence (Romans 8:28)

  • Remember you are redeemed by God’s love (Romans 8:37-39)

  • Remember to repent of and release all worldly fears in prayer (1 Peter 5:7)

  • Remember to relax into God’s perfect peace (Philippians 4:6-7)

    Through every twist and turn of 2024, let’s carry these five R’s with us, even reminding one another of them as opportunity or need arises. And then, let’s watch for God to work—through the good and the bad of this year— for his glory in the Cornerstone community.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

Your servant,