Pastoral Notes for Sunday, November 19, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Back in September, the elders approved a two-week officer nomination season for new officers. During that season, twenty-five different men were nominated for office. It was by far the largest single group of officer nominees in Cornerstone’s twelve-year history!

After conversations with nominees regarding qualifications for office, the work of elders and deacons, and the training requirements, fourteen men accepted their nomination and agreed to move forward with training. The fourteen men are: Jeff Alldredge, Preston Brooks, Terry Cheney, Doug Ford, Kerry Hart, Sean Kelley, Mike Kretsinger, Tim McCoy, Matt Michaud, Matt O’Roark, William Tice, Taylor Thompson, Carl Ware, and Craig Westerbeek.

Two of the fourteen men listed above are in a unique situation, and due to the uniqueness of their situation, the elders voted to expedite their process toward officership. Let me explain why.

Mr. Preston Brooks was nominated and trained as an officer last year. But instead of moving toward office at that time, Preston stepped toward an even greater need. He became a part time Interim Youth Director. When “interim” is a part of your title, the implication is you won’t be in that position forever. Given that, Preston and I agreed that once his service as Interim Youth Director concluded, we would revisit the question of officership. As many of you will remember, back in the summer Mr. Drew Abercrombie was hired as the Director of Youth and Families, relieving Preston of his duties with youth. When Preston was renominated in September, he immediately stepped toward the opportunity to serve as an officer.

Mr. Terry Cheney served as an elder at Cornerstone for five years before moving to Florida three years ago. Much to our delight, the Lord called Terry and his wife, Barbara, back to middle Tennessee and to Cornerstone at the beginning of this year. When Terry was nominated in September, he agreed to move back toward serving as an elder of the church.

This week on Tuesday, November 14, at our regularly stated session meeting both Preston Brooks and Terry Cheney were examined, sustained, and are unanimously recommended to you for election as elders on Sunday, December 31, at 9:45 a.m. in the chapel. All communing members are eligible to vote and are strongly encouraged to participate in the election.

Over the next few weeks, we will provide more information about Mr. Brooks and Mr. Cheney, so that you can get to know them better and prepare to vote your conscience on Sunday, December 31. In the meantime, please pray for Mr. Brooks and Mr. Cheney and for God’s will to be accomplished through the election on December 31.

Your servant,