Pastoral Notes for Sunday, November 5, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

What a wonderful Reformation Sunday we enjoyed last week! From “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” to “A Mighty Fortress is our God” to exalting in the sola Christus theme from Acts 4, 1 Timothy 2, and many other New Testament texts—it was a rich morning of worship.

And boy oh boy, we were packed. We had over 60 people in overflow in the first service alone! Thanks to those of you who gave up seats and squeezed in tight to make sure everyone could worship. This “good problem” of growth is real at Cornerstone! It makes me eager for that greatly expanded and improved overflow room that is being constructed on the first floor.

Speaking of first-floor construction, things are moving along! Each week a bit more progress is being made. We did run into a little snag two weeks ago with the duct work, which has delayed getting air conditioning and heat to the second and third floors (not the Chapel) back up and running. If you’ve wondered why it’s been a little chillier or warmer on the second and third floors the last couple of weeks for Sunday School, that is why! Lord willing, the new duct work will be put in this week, and the air conditioning and heat will be back up and running. Apart from that hiccup, everything else has gone according to plan and is on time. We’re still aiming to be in the new space by the end of the year or the first of next year. Please continue to pray to that end.

In addition to the first-floor renovation, there are a number of smaller but significant projects that remain in process including the finishing work in the Chapel, projects at The Corner House, and audio and visual needs for in-person and livestream. I want to personally thank you for bearing with us as we are running down a number of different paths project-wise right now. The advances being made will help meet the challenges of our growing ministry, but the patience needed for remodeling and expansion are real :) Over the next three months, these projects will draw to a close, and we will start enjoying the fruit of these labors (Lord willing).

Before I go, I want to share about an opportunity we have to reach the children and, through children, the families of our community with the gospel. Next week in worship we will be highlighting the wonderful ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Your Missions Committee in relationship with Suzanne Farris, a member at Cornerstone, have been prayerfully considering partnering with CEF for starting a Good News Club. We haven’t committed to doing this yet. The last thing we want to do is make plans and then later ask God to bless them! No, we’ve just been thinking, talking, and praying, but we believe it’s time to “go public,” share about this opportunity, and see if the Lord sparks an interest in you to serve the children and families of our community through sharing the good news of the gospel. So, come back next week and learn more. In the meantime, pray that God would be pleased to use us—whether through CEF or some other means—as a gospel witness to the least of these (Matthew 19:14, 25:40).

Your servant,