Pastoral Notes for Sunday, October 8, 2023

Dear Cornerstone Family,

In our opening sermon in Malachi last week, we heard Israel’s rebellious retort to God, “How have you loved us?” Then, we considered the Lord’s bewildering response, “Is not Esau Jacob’s brother? ...Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated.” As confusing as that statement is initially, it’s clear the Lord intends to draw us into reflection on the story of Jacob and Esau. In reflecting on that story, we clearly see that neither of these twin boys are deserving of God’s love. In fact, when you read the story, you’re particularly struck by the craftiness, manipulation, and deceit of Jacob! Clearly, God didn’t choose Jacob because he was better than Esau. And yet––God chose Jacob. He could just as easily have chosen Esau over Jacob. He was, after all, the older of the two. But God, in his sovereignty, set his love on Jacob and not Esau (Romans 9:6-13).

The Lord tells us this to highlight the wonder of God’s love! None of us deserve God’s love. Truth be told, we are no different than Jacob, are we? We sin in thought, word, and deed every day. Malachi wants Israel, and the Lord wants all of us to be led into humble astonishment, “Why me, O Lord? Why did you set your love on me? I am so underserving!” Indeed, that is true. The answer to the “why” of God’s election is a grand mystery. It is locked up in the hidden council of God (Deuteronomy 29:29). We must simply receive it by faith with the humble astonishment it deserves––that we, chiefs of sinners, would be the objects of his love.

At the same time, we have important biblical questions that need an answer. For instance, what does it mean, “... but Esau I have hated?” Does God really hate certain people? He certainly hates the wicked (see Psalm 5:5, 11:5; Revelation 2:6). But how do we reconcile God hating with 1 John 4:6 where we’re told “God is love?” Does not God tell us that he loves the world (John 3:16)? Is it really true that some people have no chance to be saved? How can that be when the Lord says he “...desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4)?

These are very important biblical questions. To give them the kind of treatment they deserve will take far more space than I have today. In the weeks ahead, however, I will take time to unpack the language of love and hate as it relates to God and his creation. Please stay tuned as together we consider the rich complexities of the Bible’s teaching on God’s love.

As I conclude, take time to review the first quarter financial statement below provided by your Finance Committee. On behalf of the elders and deacons, we want to thank you for consistently giving to the work of the Lord at Cornerstone. God is expressing his generosity through you month after month as you give cheerfully and sacrificially to the work of ministry. If you have any questions regarding the quarterly financial report or would like more detail, please contact Robin Spychalski in the church office at

Your servant,