Dear Cornerstone Family,
When I think back to some of the most formative spiritual moments of my childhood, I’m more times than not in a small brightly colored classroom with tiny chairs and some dear saint—like Kathy Morgan or Chuck Thompson—sharing stories and truths from God’s Word.
No, I wasn’t always listening. To be honest, I was often more excited about the snacks. But somewhere between my general distractedness and the consumption of vanilla wafers, the Lord was at work in a powerful way. In fact, as I was preparing for today’s sermon, I thought of something that one of my Sunday School teachers taught me 30+ years ago. I’m actually going to include it today’s sermon, so be listening for it!
Our fantastic Children’s Coordinator, Meredith Suits, has been hard at work getting ready for the fall term of Sunday School. I asked her if she could tell us a bit about what to expect. Here’s what she wrote:
The children’s ministry will kick off our new semester of Sunday school on August 15. We hope your kids are registered and are excited to see friends and teachers again. If you haven’t registered yet, we would love to add your kids to our rosters. Email or search our online church directory for the registration form.
Our PreK-Kindergarten class (led by Joe Marlo, Joy Marlo, and Eleanor Ware) will spend the fall learning Bible stories from Genesis, singing songs, and memorizing scripture. The 1st-2nd grade class (led by Katie Patton and Poppy Driskell) is learning a different name of God each week and what it tells us about who He is through stories in the Bible. The 3rd-4th grade class (led by Ellie Terrell and Abigail Hicks) will continue their study of Acts from the summer and learn about God’s growing church. The 5th-6th graders (led by Dave Raymond and Sabrina Brewer) will study questions 1-7 of the New City Catechism, spending about 2-3 weeks on each question and engaging in discussion of the core doctrines of the Christian faith.
We are thankful for the teachers and assistants in these classes who are sharing their time and talents with our Cornerstone kids and hope that you will join us in encouraging them and our parents as we teach our children to love God and grow in their faith.
If you have children, I encourage you—no, implore you—to make Sunday School a priority for your kids this fall. Your children need the Bible. They also need to see the body of Christ at work. By taking kids to Sunday school, both of these realities come together in a special way. In 10 or 20 years from now, what will your children look back on and say, “That’s when everything changed for me spiritually.” By God’s grace, it might just be Sunday school this fall.
Your servant,