Pastoral Notes for Sunday, July 11, 2021

Dear Cornerstone Family:

I’m so glad I get to introduce you to my friend, Rev. Josh Rieger, today. Fifteen years ago, or more, I met Josh in Jackson, MS. We both were being trained for pastoral ministry and serving together on the staff of First Presbyterian Church at the time, and we both just hit it off, so to speak. Through the many years and miles, we’ve stayed in close touch, often learning from and praying for one another in the work of ministry.

Several years ago, the Cornerstone Mission’s Team approved Josh and Gina Rieger for missionary support, which has woven us together even more. Today, Josh comes to preach the Word to us for our summer Mission Initiative Sunday and to tell us about the work in Hexham, England.

To help you get to know Josh a little better, I asked him to tell us a bit about his story. Here’s what he wrote:

Josh Rieger was raised in a pastor’s home in Burke, Virginia. Even as a teenager, he was involved in missions and ministry. While studying at the University of Arizona, Josh interned at a local PCA church and also helped start the RUF during his senior year. After graduating he was commissioned an officer in the US NAVY and served for 7 years, but during that time he also served as the Protestant lay leader on both of his ships. God used all of this experience to cultivate a heart for the ministry. While in the NAVY, Josh met and married Gina Cates, of Columbia, South Carolina. He began studies at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, during his time in the NAVY and then completed his studies at RTS, Jackson, after getting out. Following seminary Josh and Gina served at First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Mississippi. They were involved with missions there and began to develop a relationship with the church’s missionaries in Newcastle, England, that led to a call to church plant in Hexham, about an hour from Newcastle. Seven years ago Josh, Gina, Jackson and Riley Cates moved to Hexham to begin the work of church planting. Just under a year later, Rutherford was added to the family. Hexham Presbyterian Church has been meeting for the last 6 years and is growing towards particularisation. The Riegers have been back in the US for the last 10 months, while Gina has received treatment for a battle with breast cancer, but they are looking to return to Hexham this Autumn.

Please give close attention to the word Josh has prepared for us today from Acts 18. Your servant,