Pastoral Notes for Sunday, July 10, 2022

Dear Cornerstone Family,

It’s Thursday, July 7, and I’m writing this from JFK airport in New York City. I’m perched near a window overlooking a runway with the always-lovely Christy Shurden at my side. Today is our 21st anniversary! As hard as it is to believe, at almost this exact moment 21 years ago, we were exchanging vows!

A lot has changed in the last 21 years, but two things have remained the same––our love for each other and God’s faithfulness. I can honestly say that my love for Christy grows every year. She’s amazing, y’all. More astonishing, however, is the fact that her love for me endures! More astonishing still is the fact that God’s love and faithfulness to us never wavers. For all this, we rejoice and give God the glory!

As you know from last week’s Pastoral Note, we’re on our way to Edinburgh to meet with several other pastors and their wives. If all has gone according to plan, we spent Friday in Edinburgh on the Royal Mile and touring Holyrood Castle. On Saturday, we were in St. Andrews visiting the Cathedral ruins and retracing the history of the Reformation in Scotland, focusing primarily on the ministries of George Wishart and John Knox. Today, we’re getting ready for a day of ministry at St. Columba’s Church in Edinburgh where my friend, Rev. Dr. Cory Brock, recently joined the pastoral staff. As we come to mind over the next week, whisper a prayer for us.

Before I go, let me revisit an announcement I made to the membership of Cornerstone a couple of weeks ago. If you are a member of Cornerstone, you should have received an email update through our church database about the formation of the Cornerstone Ministry Expansion Team. I noted in that communication that this newly formed team of elders, deacons, and members has been tasked to assist the Session in exploring options and making recommendations for ministry expansion as a church. Mr. Will Kesler, a Ruling Elder at Cornerstone, has graciously agreed to chair this team. The session is thankful for Will’s leadership, and I can testify––he’s already doing a great job at helping the CMET organize effectively for the work.

Speaking of organizing effectively for the work, the team has deliberately spent time rehearsing the vision and mission of Cornerstone, believing that any and all ministry expansion ideas should be rooted in the commitments of the church. On the practical side, the team has been gathering information and data about the membership and growth patterns and, in general ways, is beginning to explore a range of ministry expansion options. The conversations on the team have been very encouraging thus far, and I look forward to seeing how the Lord continues to lead us in the days ahead.

On Sunday, August 14, we will have a Cornerstone Family Meeting during the Sunday School hour. At that meeting, there will be a 2022-2023 budget presentation and an update from the CMET. Please mark your calendars and make plans to attend this important meeting.

Your Servant