I asked Pastor Ben Griffith to provide an opportunity for members of the congregation to share why they value the Home Fellowship Group ministry at Cornerstone. Here is what Ben, and several folks from the congregation, had to say:
For the past few weeks, you’ve hopefully been hearing and seeing our invitations to join a Home Fellowship Group (HFG) next year. There is still time to sign up. HFGs provide a small group context for us to share life together, pray for one another, and process God’s word together. Of all the things we’ve learned in 2020, I’m sure we could all say we have a renewed appreciation for the value of community. Our HFG ministry is simply a way to encourage and foster meaningful, spiritual, intentional community within our body—and we would love for you to participate.
I asked a few Cornerstone members to share about their experience in a Home Fellowship Group. If you are still on the fence about joining one next year, perhaps one of your brothers or sisters can give you a nudge:
“Our fellowship group has been a fantastic source of fellowship and friendship over the past several years. By opening up our homes (or meeting at a nearby park), we’ve also been able to open up about life’s challenges, provide encouragement, and pray for one another. It’s genuinely one of the highlights of my week to meet with these brothers and sisters!” ~Matt Suits
“Participating in an HFG group has meant, for Cindi and I, the development of friendships—the significant kind of friendships that help keep us centered in Christ, who is our life. We have eaten, studied, and prayed together, worked, celebrated and mourned together, and even vacationed together. Loving one another in the context of a small group is, I believe, doing life God’s way, and pays huge dividends! I do hope your lives are similarly rich and blessed.” ~Bob Wolk
“Our HFG has made us feel at home at Cornerstone by loving us - taking on our needs through prayer, hospitality, and service. It is one of the best ways to get connected, build friendships, and learn how to love people as they grow in Christ. It’s the tangible arm of community at Cornerstone and one of our favorite ministries at the church.” ~Taylor Thompson
“Home Fellowship Groups are the place to get connected and get to know the church family in the body of Christ. It’s the place to partner for prayer, dig into the Word, support, encourage, provide accountability, food and fun. Each have their own flavor, check them out until you find a good fit. God has amazing saints in each group that want to connect, grow, and experience life together.” ~Sherry Cebada
“It can take time to get connected at church. We are thankful for HFGs which have given us a “family group” within this body to know and be known, pray and grow, enjoy fellowship and fun. Each group is unique; jump in and find where you fit! One of the benefits of being a Christian is not walking life alone. HFGs are a way to experience the benefits of the body of Christ in an intimate and continuous way.” ~Steve Cebada
You can sign up online on the Cornerstone website, on our church app, or through the link on the weekly newsletter. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! hfg@cstonepres.org