Pastoral Notes for Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dear Cornerstone Family,

Nearly two weeks ago, the elders of Cornerstone called a congregational meeting for the election of new officers on Sunday, September 13th. Today you’ll find a page of pictures and bullet point bios of each candidate in the back of the bulletin. We hope you find this information helpful as you prepare to vote. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the candidates personally. Feel free to ask them to share their testimony of faith or sense of call to officership at Cornerstone. I can assure you—they would be delighted to hear from you.

For the election, we’re working on a plan that’s consistent with the parameters laid out in the Book of Church Order and gives the greatest number of communing members of Cornerstone an opportunity to vote in a safe, convenient, and efficient way. On September 13th, the plan is to call the congregational meeting to order immediately after the first service and hold a (very) brief election after each worship service. This gives every communing member who is present for in-person worship the opportunity to participate in the election with no additional meetings, registrations, or cleanings necessary.

Additionally, we are exploring ways for communing members of Cornerstone to vote electronically during the public livestream. We’re looking into an electronic voting option that satisfies the parameters of the Book of Church Order, ensures the integrity of the election, and allows communing members who are present-at-home the opportunity to participate. As September 13th draws closer, you can expect more specific information and direction from the church.

Finally, we’ve got a problem. It’s a good problem, but a problem, nonetheless. Each week the worship registration for the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. worship services reaches capacity within roughly 12 hours of opening registration. By 24- 48 hours, the overflow for 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. fills up. Though we’re usually at less than half capacity at the noon service, a sizable number of our folks are unable to attend that service. In order to accommodate the increased demand for in-person worship, we are expanding the worship capacity of our 10 a.m. service from 50% to 75% next Sunday, August 30th.

What does this mean? In the 10 a.m. service, we’ll be placing people on every row in the chapel, and instead of six feet of social distance, you’ll have a minimum of three feet between household units. So, if you’re comfortable edging a little closer to others, please consider attending the 10 a.m. service. If that’s not you, don’t despair! The 8 a.m. service will remain socially distanced as normal, and our noon service will remain mask required. We will also maintain our overflow options at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.

While we’re on the subject, your session is working with your staff and ministry leaders on what it would look like to begin expanding the reopening of in-person ministry in September. As local officials approve the reopening of schools and colleges for in person academic education, your session desires to see more opportunities available for in-person spiritual education and discipleship. In that spirit, the session and staff have begun working on additional guidelines that seek to protect the physical health of the flock while maintaining the priority of discipleship for the spiritual health of the flock.

There will be more to say on this soon, but, in the meantime, we would ask you to join us in prayer as we look to our God for help and carefully plan to move toward more in-person ministry opportunities in September.

Grace & Peace,
