Pastoral Notes for Sunday, June 7, 2020

I ran into Mrs. Meredith Suits, our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, the other day. She was sitting outside on the park benches at the church. I asked her what she was doing. She said, “Just waiting on members to drive by and pick up children’s Sunday School materials for the summer.” I’m grateful for that sister’s service to us.

Mrs. Susan Bumpus, our Office Manager, called me the other day. She wanted to let me know why she’d been gone so long from the office. It’s because she went to five stores to try and find disinfectant wipes (a hot commodity these days!) in order for the staff to clean their offices after meetings and at the end of the day.

Why do I tell you this? Certainly not to embarrass these dear ladies. I tell you this to encourage you. In the midst of difficult times where knowing how to minister is difficult, I want you to know that your staff is being creative, pulling extra weight, and often going beyond the call of duty (and office hours!) to serve YOU. They don’t complain about it (well, not usually!), and it’s almost never carried out with any fanfare. Just simple faithfulness that refuses to grow weary of doing good (Gal. 6:9).

Chief among these faithful servants is Miss Anneke Seely. She has served for two years as Administrative Assistant for Discipleship. Her cheerful spirit and do-anything-for-you servant’s heart has increased our joy, productivity, and effectiveness as a church. This is why we’re really going to miss her. Thankfully, she’s not going anywhere right away. You’ll still see her at church and serving on the worship team. She’s just stepping away from her role as Admin. Assistant of Discipleship to explore more long-term what God would have for her vocationally. Anneke, we love you and thank God for you, and you will remain in our prayers, dear sister.

As Anneke leaves the staff, we’re welcoming someone into her role who is known and loved already by the Cornerstone family. I am happy to announce that Mrs. Martha Brooks will be our new Administrative Assistant for Discipleship! As some of you’ll remember, Martha served as our Children’s Ministry Coordinator several years ago, and then for the last two years worked as the librarian at New Hope Academy here in Franklin. Providentially, as the Lord was moving Martha away from the role at NHA, the Administrative Assistant position for Discipleship opened up. A conversation began, interviews followed, and at the end of May the Session unanimously approved Martha for the position. We’re thrilled to have you back on staff, Martha, and we look forward to the days ahead!

In closing, I wanted to mention one more bit of news that we missed sharing. Back in March, the elders received with regret Mr. Gene King’s resignation from the office of deacon at Cornerstone. As many of you know, Gene’s father’s health has declined significantly in the last year, and he’s taking up greater responsibility in caring for him and his family. With all that was on Gene’s plate already, it was clear that something needed to shift to lighten the load. Though we’ll miss Gene on the diaconate, we are glad to release our brother from this call, so he can be freed up to shoulder the most important responsibilities of his life right now.

Well, that’s it for now, friends. Have a great week in the Lord. I’ll see you back here next week!